Services We Offer

  • Enhanced Underwriting Inspections
  • Windstorm Mitigation Feature Consultation & Analysis
  • Windstorm Construction Feature Benchmarking & Analysis
  • Underwriter Wind Reviews
  • Post-Claim Construction & Remediation Inspections


Enhanced Underwriting Inspections
DMI Audit Services offers a full range of underwriting inspections, from customizable external-only inspections to more thorough offerings that include aspects of internal, external, four-point, windstorm mitigation, and replacement cost.

DMI also specializes in evaluating and documenting complicated replacement cost valuations, on both standard and high-value homes.  DMI’s unique inspection capabilities and customizable underwriting scoring processes are at the cutting edge of intelligent underwriting.  When the additional value provided by our inspection process is factored into the analysis, DMI Audit Services has demonstrated in several instances that we are the lowest-cost provider in Florida.

Windstorm Mitigation Feature Consultation & Analysis
DMI Audit Services has developed unique capabilities in the areas of windstorm mitigation credit analysis and advisory services to insurers and reinsurers alike.  We have helped carriers and reinsurers operating in Florida better understand their own book of business with respect to windstorm mitigation construction features, enabling them to make better decisions.  We have analyzed more than 1.3 million policies on behalf of our customers, and our recommendations have saved carriers many millions of dollars in lost premiums and through the identification of previously underappreciated or unnoticed risks.  Contact us for a free consultation and discussion of our unique capabilities in this area.

Windstorm Construction Feature Benchmarking & Analysis
DMI Audit Services owns and maintains the largest repository of recent, accurate windstorm inspection construction data for residential housing in Florida, including more than 600,000 Type I residential homes.   As a result (and for the first time ever), there is now a benchmarking tool to assist the reinsurance and ILS communities in their evaluation of data quality with respect to windstorm mitigation construction features.   These features, both individually and collectively, have a multi-billion-dollar impact on insurance and reinsurance premiums in Florida.   Let DMI Audit Services help you differentiate between windstorm preparedness in reality, and windstorm preparedness on paper.

Underwriter Wind Reviews
Unwarranted windstorm mitigation discounts in have siphoned off many billions of dollars in windstorm premiums over the past decade. These are funds that will not be available to pay claims in the event of a storm.  However, over that time DMI Audit Services has conducted an estimated two-thirds of the inspection programs carriers operating in Florida have conducted to address the issues of poor and inaccurate windstorm mitigation inspection data.  DMI conducts these programs with a level of professionalism and post-inspection customer service that minimizes policyholder friction.  In this way, DMIAS works to minimize attrition and preserve important agency relationships while restoring data integrity.

Post-Claim Construction & Remediation Inspections
DMI Audit Service’s network of trained and Florida-licensed Residential, Building, and General Contractors enables it to add particular value to the post-claim examination process.   DMI’s process focuses on the key elements of post-claim reconstruction, repair and/or replacement.  We establish the existence and apparent sufficiency of the repair and replacement process, preventing carriers from paying the same claim twice.  We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate to carriers our process and our customizable product in this important area of risk to carriers.